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CS Knowledge/Network

DNS Overview & Purchasing Domain



1. What is the DNS?

Mostly, most website you visited, you don't know what is the IP address of it. Just go to website and use it, that's it.

However, Inside of that, All of website has their own IP Address and connect each other with it.

Therefore, Let's say you don't know google's IP address, how can you visit google?

Because we have DNS Server which is changing domain name(www.google.com) to IP address in inside and send your any reqeust to that IP address.





2. Practice



Buy Domain

There are a lot of website where you can buy domains and I just brought 'bluehost' as an example.




Check the Domain Name you want to use is available.

You can just go website and search in there. They will show whether it is available or not.




Check the price

If you search the name you want to use, they will show whether it is okay or not and also they will show some alternatives and price as well.




You need to fill out the information of you and your account and pay



Connect Website 

There are two options you can connect a website

  • Use Name Server
  • Forwarding Service

- Name Server

You can think this as a phone book with (domain name-IP address)

Let's say you have your website already and you know its IP address and you can connect it's IP address and Domain name for making people approach your website withour knowing your IP address


- Forwarding Service

It's also connecting domain to a website but not with IP address, but with another domain.






You can meet HTTP but sometimes HTTPS. what is the difference?


SSL = It is like certification, for example, when your data heading to website, it can be dagerous cause someone can approach your date and steal it. so with this certifiacation, you can protect your data by encrytion.


SSL/TLS 핸드 셰이크를 통해 서버는 공개키를 클라이언트에 제공하고 클라이언트의 데이터는 해당 공개키로 암호화된다. 이 후, 서버는 받은 데이터를 개인키로 복호화한다.



You can learn how to use it and knowledge with Checking right below.





To sum up the post, It could be said like this

1. HTTPS is like the thing that working between User's browser and Server by securing user's data by encryption.

2. Browser will check the SSL certification validation first and if it has, data will be encrypted by their public key and when it comes to Server side, server will use their private key and public key for decryption of data and it works.

3. Server needs SSL certification and activate it.




4. How to use 'Let's Encrypt'

You can use the website('bluehost') but I will show another option

This is for getting free certification

Also, This post is using ubuntu as a OS



1. Server, Public Domain

You need to prepare your server and public domain first.


2. Download Certification

Let's Encryt is using 'Certbot' for downloading SSL certification

Therfore, you need to do below for installing 'Certbot'.


- if you already have Certbot

# sudo apt update
# sudo apt-get install  letsencrypt -y

- if you don't have Certbot

# sudo apt update 
# sudo apt upgrade -y 
# sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx (nginx webserver)
# sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache (apache webserver)


3. Do it 

There are four ways to do (webroot, webserver, standalone, DNS) I will show how to use 'webserver'.


Using WebServer

- Install SSL directly to your server like apache or nginx

- you dont need to stop server for renewing certification



Check Details



최신 Let’s Encrypt SSL 인증서 발급 방법 4가지 정리 – 꿈꾸는섬

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'CS Knowledge > Network' 카테고리의 다른 글

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